Saturday, January 5, 2008

At the 6 mo. check-up...

Raymond had his 6 mo. check-up and shots at the pediatrician's office yesterday morning. Of course, he's looking great and is very healthy. He weighed in at 18lb 8oz -- that's 4 oz less than his 4 mo. well-check in November! He grew 4 whole inches to 28.5 inches long. In the 95th percentile for length, but just a tad above normal for weight now! I KNEW he was thinning out!

Raymond's eating both rice cereal and oatmeal now. He doesn't seem to care what it tastes like as long as it's food. Cool! Maybe he takes after his mommy and will love broccoli! *fingers crossed*

We found out his blood type is O POS, just like his mommy's... At least he got something from his mama! HAHA! Well, daddy doesn't know his blood type and honestly, people tell me he looks more and more like his mommy everyday!

Here's a great pic of the kiddo's teeth!