Friday, November 30, 2007

It's the holiday season!

Hello everyone!

Happy Holidays 2007! Raymond's 1st Thanksgiving was spent at home in Phoenix with his Grandma & Grandpa W. , Great-Aunt Camille & Great-Uncle Gene and Mommy & Daddy. Raymond just turned 5 mo old. We were so fortunate to have had 2 friends bring over a total of 3 homemade pies (mmmm!) and Grandma W. cooked lots & lots of yummy food! Raymond was so thankful that he gave us a gift of officially sitting up on his own unsupported for the first time!!!

Three days before Turkey Day Raymond & I flew last-minute to Vegas to surprise Raymond's Aunt Kim as Erik proposed to her on the gondola at the Venician! We surprised G&G W. that we showed up and boy, did we have a great time!

Now we're getting ready for X-mas! Raymond is asking for college money -- what a great kid, eh? HAHA... The day after Thanksgiving we all went with our neighbors to the Payson area to cut down our X-mas tree! We have a blue spruce this year and Ray seems to like nawing on the branches whenever he can get a chance. He chose the tree, not us. :)
Raymond & I are celebrating X-mas in MI with our family & friends. Raymond is so excited to see his Grandma & Grandpa D., his Great-Grandparents, his Aunties and all the rest of the family! (So am I.) Unfortunately, daddy has to stay in Phoenix b/c he's on-call this X-mas... We're really going to miss him! :( (But we'll call every night and send his pictures, webcam, etc.)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Raymond's First Tumble!

Can you believe I got this on video?? WOW! Cool thing was he didn't get hurt and didn't cry. He rolled right onto my lap and looked around wide-eyed and in a daze. I was laughing so hard and daddy just missed it! We have it on video, though!

Sorry it's sideways. There's no way to rotate it, so you can move your screen sideways if you'd like... HA HA!

I think it's so neat that he looks to us to judge what his reaction should be. Social learning!

Toes on the Nose

Oh, does Raymond love to have his toes touch his nose! He's a little too stiff to pull them on his own yet, but boy, does he giggle when I do it for him!

Also, the other day, I was playing the "don't eat the piggies!" giggle game with Ray and he suddenly showed interest in examining and holding his feet. One hand on one foot then the other. Neato! he looked so proud of himself and looked at me as if to say, "Aren't you proud of me, Mama?"

So proud I had to take pictures!

We have SO much fun together!!!

More Firsts!

Well sort-of! :)

We feed Raymond through a bottle once a day so that he will transition well should mommy be away. When we were visiting Raymond's daddy's side of the family living in Tucson, he wrapped his hands around his bottle and nearly held it up himself! He doesn't seem to understand gravity all that well yet!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

4 Mo Check-Up

Happy Halloween!

Raymond had his 4 mo check-up on Nov. 2nd. He weighed in at 18lb 12oz! Doc said she just finished seeing a 19lb one-year-old! His height is keeping up well, too at 27in. He is a big, solid boy! Doc said things are going fine, he looks great and no solids until at least 6 mo (unless he indicates he needs otherwise).

He took his shots well with a little pain in the legs where they stuck him. Poor baby Blue! :(

Mommy has a hard time with the shots part -- more than Ray, I think...

Oh, and Ray was a "little turtle" for Halloween! We visited 2 neighbors' houses and on the way to the third he was fast asleep!